Kazuki Miyahara

Ph.D. at NAIST under the supervision of Hiroyuki Seki

kmiya@outlook.com or miyahara.kazuki.lx3@is.naist.jp

Obsoleted: kazuki-mi@is.naist.jp

Research Interests: Automata Theory and its Applications


dblp: Kazuki Miyahara

  1. データ収集・ラベル付けコストを削減するAI学習用データ生成技術

    ビジネスコミュニケーション, vol. 57, no. 1, p. 59, 2020.
  2. Query Rewriting for Nondeterministic Tree Transducers

    Kazuki Miyahara, Kenji Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Seki
    IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Special Section on Formal Approach, vol. E99-D, no. 6, pp. 1410-1419, 2016. [pdf]
  3. Query Preservation for Tree-Structured Data

    Doctoral Dissertation, March 2016. [link]
  4. On the Query Preservation for Nondeterministic Tree Transducers

    Kazuki Miyahara, Kenji Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Seki
    IEICE SIGSS, March 2016.
  5. Node Query Preservation for Deterministic Linear Top-Down Tree Transducers

    Kazuki Miyahara, Kenji Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Seki
    IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Special Section on Foundations of Computer Science, vol. E98-D, no. 3, pp. 512-523, 2015. [pdf]
  6. Node Query Preservation for Deterministic Linear Top-Down Tree Transducers

    Kazuki Miyahara, Kenji Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Seki
    In TTATT 2013. [superseded by the journal version]
  7. 決定性線形下降木変換器における頂点問合せ保存 (Japanese)

    Kazuki Miyahara, Kenji Hashimoto, and Hiroyuki Seki
    IEICE SIGSS, 2012. Encouraging Prize [superseded by the journal version]
  8. Design of IIR Digital Filters with Specified Magnitude and Group Delay Using Differential Evolution (Japanese)

    Kazuki Miyahara, Yasunori Sugita, Toshinori Yoshikawa
    IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. J95-A, no. 2, pp. 189-197, 2012. [link]


Awards & Funding

January 2014 Prize for Excellence, Campus Venture GP 2013 in Osaka
(with Shinnosuke Takamichi and Masato Yano)
Jane 2013 Creative and International Competitiveness Project 2013 (NAIST)
May 2013 IEICE SIGSS Encouraging Prize
(with Dr. Kenji Hashimoto and Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Seki)
January 2013 Encouraging Prize, Campus Venture GP 2012 in Osaka
(with Chu Bao Trung)


September 2013 - March 2016 Volunteer Students for Publicity (VSP), Leader
June 2013 - March 2014 Creative and International Competitiveness Project 2013, Leader



February 2015 Movie editing NAIST PR video, now showing at Gakken Kita-Ikoma Station on Kintetsu Keihanna Line
December 2014 Writing an article VSP UPDATES: 写真でふりかえる高山サイエンスフェスティバル2014
December 2014 Website design VSP UPDATES
February 2014 Writing an article NAIST Edge: Neural Decoding of Visual Imagery during Sleep
January 2014 Logo design NAIST-IS Official Facebook page & Twitter (@NAIST_IS)
NAIST-IS logo1 NAIST-IS logo2

Volunteer Experiments

June 2014 Lecture at Nara Prefectural Narakita Senior High School
September 2013 -
March 2016
Public Relations Activity (VSP), Nara Institute of Science and Technology
September 2012 Academic Volunteer at Ikoma City Sakuragaoka Elementary School
September 2012 Academic Volunteer at Naragakuen Tomigaoka Junior Hight School

Teaching Assistant

2015 Algebraic Structures, Combinatorics
2014 Algebraic Structures, Combinatorics, Japanese Culture
2013 Sets and Categories, Algebraic Structures, Combinatorics
2012 Fundamentals of Mathematics I, II, Induction and Recursion, Sets and Categories, Introduction to Mathematical Science II

Research Assistant

2014-2016 RA, Nara Institute of Science and Technology


2016 Ph.D.
in Engineering
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Information Science
2013 M.E. Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Information Science
2011 B.E. Nagaoka University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering